Grapes of Wrath
By dr2n
OMG!! That Steinbeck sure can write!
Hate the first half, fell in love with the last half.
By Bigchile300
I never heard much of the book, only read it because of East of Eden. Initially I hated the book because it was written in hillbilly. Once the trip went to California, the book got amazing. I was not aware of any of the details and was amazed about it's capitist take. Great nook, I can see why it's an American classic. I you do not know anything about this book, check it out.
Good book
By Nickname yeahhhhhh
As someone having to read this in highschool, sophomore year, I really liked the book!
Grapes of Wrath
By NoBrainerToMe
Very descriptive picture of the oppression of simple country folks during the depression. Very sad , but an important piece of history that should not be forgotten. The ‘Grapes of Wrath’ was an accurate depiction since some of the smaller land owners went bankrupt due them unable to sell even healthy grapes due the low prices when they could not afford to harvest leaving not only the migrants but these landowners, destitute.
Horrible Sample
By Cooliomatimi0
This is a review of this particular version and the sample that is given before purchase. I’ve heard lots of good things about this book, so I downloaded the sample to see if the first few pages might hook me. The sample gives you the first 76 pages. Of those 76 pages, only 3 are the actual book. The first 73 pages are, no joke, just forwards and notes on the text. What a waste of space. 3 pages is hardly a sample, it’s more like crumbs.
A monument of 20th century literature
By foivos87
Steinbeck’s famous work is very probably the best literature I’ve ever read. Very high quality of writing, a unique ability to recreate the pictures and the emotions, giving reason to the thoughts and make the actions understandable. A book that contains universal truths about human societies that should be revisited in contemporary America. I feel grateful and blissful for having the experience to read this book.
Absolutely Not
By DrummerOfTheBlackParade
I couldn't dumb myself down enough to read and follow whatever backwoods, swamptown language in which this was written.
By Durhamrunner
This book =fire
Did not like this book
By Sean rates and reviews!12
Very boring and bad plot whatever the plot actually was😂
A Sprawling American Epic
By Dwardeng
A family from Oklahoma travels west for a better life in California during the depression only to face great hardships and injustice. California's land barons are portrayed as they really were at the time. White slavery was very much alive. Steinbeck's greatest work.